
Our Special Needs Kids Need Your Help!

Now more than ever, Gota de Leche needs to keep the milk of human kindness flowing, and so we appeal to your generous hearts today for help. For over a century, we have provided nutritional support to our growing roster of beneficiaries. Thanks to our partners, we have expanded our reach to other cities and provinces, and added programs for breastfeeding moms and post-disaster relief, along with our usual milk rationing and pediatric and dental care. But the needs of our beneficiaries and their mothers continue to grow as we expand our reach.

Today we have around 45 children with special needs and disabilities between the ages of 3 and 9 years old who need medicine, vitamins, strollers, and other donations that can help with their urgent special needs, and relieve some of the burden on the parents and guardians who bring them to Gota de Leche. Many of them travel on foot to get to the Gota premises, and need medication for their kids’ conditions.

If you wish to donate in kind for our special needs kids, please contact (632) 516.0542 and look for Grace or Karla, or email us at for more details. We are also in need of volunteers to keep our operations going smoothly.

Thank you very much!